
Showing posts from July, 2021

REVIEW: Captain America: Civil War 3D

 REVIEW: Captain America: Civil War 3D 2016 was an odd time for cinema. With both Captain America: Civil War and Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice releasing in the same year, it seemed film studios were obsessed with having their cinematic superheroes fighting on opposing sides. One of these films, perhaps unsurprisingly, turned out much more successful than the original, and that was Captain America: Civil War. Unlike Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice's awkward attempt to cram in multiple heroes before laying the groundwork in their own films, Captain America: Civil War came after we'd already had nearly a decade of getting to know these characters, and how they operated. And that's a key factor when constructing a story like this. As with the other Captain America films, this week I watched this instalment in 3D. Out of the three movies that make up the Captain America trilogy, this one honestly probably has the best use of it, particularly in regards to the characters ...